The Malaysia Maha Karuna Buddhist Society will be forming a group to Sri Lanka from February 24-28, 2024.
Chief Reverend B. Sri Saranankara Maha Thera will lead the delegation, not only for pilgrimage, but also performing dana and charity.
Devotees will visit ancient temples, pay respects to the Buddha’s tooth relics at Kandy and reverence the Bodhi tree planted 2250 years ago in the ancient city of Anuradhapura. This Bodhi tree, a branch of the tree under which Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment, is the oldest living tree in the world and a significant site in Buddhist history.
The itinerary also includes offering to a thousand member of Maha Sangha and participating in the annual cow liberation ceremony. The deadline for registration is February 9, 2024, or as soon as spots are filled.
法友将亲临古寺,敬仰佛陀牙舍利,并顶礼2250年前在古城Anuradhapura 栽种的菩提树。这颗菩提树是目前世上最古老的。此树也是2568年前释迦摩尼大觉者在印度菩提伽耶菩提树下成佛的大树分支。