Maha Karuna Buddhist Society Malaysia had initiated Cow Liberation program in Sri Lanka since year 2003. We purchase cattle from the slaughterhouse and give them to poor families in remote area to assist the family in agricultural work. This noble act not only saves a life, but also brings long-term livelihoods to poor families. In Year 2022, total 117 cows were liberated under this program while in year 2023, total 156 cows were being liberated under this program.放生奶牛本月活动项目/
马来西亚宏慈佛教会自2003年起发起了于斯里兰卡放生牛只的项目。我们从屠宰场采购牛只,然后赠予贫困家庭以协助该家庭进行农业工作。这项善行不仅仅是拯救了一条生命,然而同时给贫困家庭带来长久生计。于2022年,在这项计划下,一共117头牛只获得再生机会; 于2023年,一共156头牛只免去被宰杀的命运。
Closing date for Year 2024 cow liberation’s participation is 𝟏𝟎 𝐅𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒
For any inquiry, please contact Maha Karuna Buddhist Society official contact number at +60 13-288 1423
如有任何查询,请直接联络宏慈佛教会官方联络号码 +60 13-288 1423