On January 1, 2024, after illuminating lamps on behalf of the Buddhist members of Maha Karuna Buddhist Society KL & Selangor Malaysia, society Secretary proceed to the main shrine hall to perform offering of robe, fruits and flowers to the Buddha.
Followed by then, meals were offered to members of Maha Sangha, public and homeless surrounding Mahabodhi Mahavihara Temple at Bodhgaya.
Donation were made for the Buddhist temple, Buddhist school including temple establishment and construction of Buddha rupa.
May the sincere aspiration of all be fulfilled under the benevolent blessings of Buddha Dhamma and Sangha. May these merits of offerings be a condition for all sentient beings to be free from mental and physical sufferings, be the condition of their ultimate enlightenment.
May all sentient beings be blessed with good health, happiness, wisdom and success. Anumodana.
Today evening, Maha Karuna Buddhist Society will be offering meals to more than a thousand members of Maha Sangha at Nyingma Monastery, Bodhgaya. Besides that, dinner will also be offered to the public and sangha members at Mahabodhi Mahavihara Temple compound.
今天傍晚,马来西亚宏慈佛教会将在宁玛佛寺进行千僧供养。 除此之外,晚餐也将被供养及分派给位于正觉塔范围的僧众,公众和无家可归者。