Malaysia Maha Karuna Buddhist Society NEWS FEED】 Sri Lanka | 09 April 2021 | Medical Aid
Mr & Mrs Ho and family had recently donated a PCR machine to Peradeniya Hospital, Sri Lanka in March 2021.
On 09 April 2021, the second PCR machine was donated to “Castle Street Hospital for Women” in Colombo.
Our representative, Venerable Badullegama Siriwimala Thero, President of Sri Saranankara Foundation handovered Truelab Real Time Quantitative Micro PCR System Comprising of Trulab Quattro device, Trueprep Auto V2 device, and accessories to Castle Street Hospital for Women.
Castle Street Hospital for Women has been functioning as a sentinel centre for identifying pregnant mothers with CoViD 19 infection since the first case reported in Sri Lanka in mid -March 2020. The hospital had performed over 1200 PCR tests since then out of which 32 had become positive.
Pregnant mothers have been identified as priority group in the prevention and control of CoViD 19 (Family Health Bureau, 2020). Nevertheless, leading government maternity hospitals in the Western Province which includes Castle Street Hospital for Women (Teaching), De Zoysa Maternity Hospital (Teaching), and Kethumanthie Maternity Hospital, Panadura do not have a PCR machine. There are over 1200 patients beds in these three hospitals with average monthly births over 3000. Due to the enormous number of samples received by the MRI from hospitals, field surveillance activities and prisons, priority intended for the test samples of pregnant mothers tend to get sidelined.
The Thermal Cycler (also known as a Thermocycler, PCR Machine or DNA Amplifier) is a laboratory apparatus used to amplify segments of DNA via the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).
PCR helps focus on the actual segment of DNA that is of interest, rather than the whole genome. From a small genetic sample, the genotypes can now be determined, and as a result, many genetic disorders can be detected, diagnosed and monitored.
PCR is one of the most widely used diagnostic tests
for detecting pathogens, including viruses, that cause diseases such as Ebola, African swine fever and foot-and-mouth disease. Since the COVID-19 virus only contains RNA, real time or conventional RT–PCR is used to detect it.
We appreciate this public-spirited offer from the main sponsor, Ho family in Malaysia which not only benefits the local community patients but also the medical students in researches development. Besides that, a few other well-wishers been participating in this great cause.
【马来西亚宏慈佛教会 新闻提要】 斯里兰卡| 二零二一年四月九日 | 医疗援助
于二零二一年四月九日,第二台PCR仪器再被捐赠于Castle Street 妇人医院。
我们的代表,斯里沙拉南加拉基金会主席 Badullegama Siriwimala 法师 将 实时定量微型PCR系统(包括Trulab Quattro设备,Trueprep Auto V2设备以及附件)移交给了Castle Street 妇人医院。
孕妇已被确定为预防和控制CoViD 19的优先人群(家庭卫生局,2020年)。但是,西部省的领先政府产科医院(包括城堡街妇女医院(教学),De Zoysa妇产医院(教学)和Panadura的Kethumanthie妇产医院)皆没有PCR仪。在这三家医院中,有超过1200张病床,平均月婴儿出生量超过3000名额。由于MRI从医院,现场监视活动和监狱中获得的样本数量巨大,原本打算优先用于怀孕母亲的检测样本的做法却被搁置了。 。
自2020年3月中旬在斯里兰卡报告第一例病例以来,城堡街妇女医院一直充当着哨点中心,以识别感染CoViD 19的怀孕母亲。此后,该医院已进行了1200多次PCR检测,其中32项的PCR检测显示为阳性反应的。
PCR是应用最广泛的诊断测试之一, 用于检测引起诸如埃博拉病毒,非洲猪瘟和口蹄疫等疾病的病原体,包括病毒。由于COVID-19病毒仅包含RNA,因此可以使用实时或常规RT-PCR进行检测。