In line with our objective to serve the needy in Malaysia irrespective of race and religion, we organised the annual Senior Citizens Appreciation Day to assist around 2500 senior citizens and people with disabilities in the year 2020. This marks the 15th year that we are coordinating this charitable event. The recipients received provision and two bags of essential household items.

In their senior years, many people feel that they are being neglected and underappreciated by the society; hence, this Senior Citizens Appreciation Program is held to show gratitude and appreciation to the senior citizens who have sacrificed and worked hard to serve this blessed country of ours. In our race to develop materially, we often forget to make the senior members of our society to feel needed and respected. An event like this will educate and remind the younger generation on the selfless contribution and services of the previous generation.

We hope our kind gesture will alleviate the financial burdens of the recipients and highlight the need and responsibility for us to care for the senior citizens in our community.


秉持着宏慈佛教会为马来西亚贫困人士, 不分宗教, 不分种族提供援助的宗旨。从2006年起, 每年所举办的”长者感恩日”, 已为逾千名贫苦长者和家庭提供援助, 受惠人士可获援助及两袋基本生活日常用品。于2020年,宏慈佛教会援助了大约2500长者基本生活日常用品。

当我们追求物质享受时,往往会遗忘长者的群体也需要我们的爱护及尊重。我们希望此活动能减轻受惠人士的经济负担, 也呼吁其他善翁对这些需要被关注的群体给予额外的协助。乐龄长者群体中很多都觉得被年轻的一代忽略,所以在”长者感恩日”这一天,我们借此机会感激所有长者对我们国家做出的无私贡献。

此项活动旨在减轻受惠者的经济负担和提醒年轻的一代更关怀长者们, 最终也借着此平台灌输饮水思源的道理给下一代。

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